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Saved by Teresa Almeida d'Eca
on February 13, 2011 at 10:29:18 pm





Graduation time is here, BaW11ers!!!






Becoming a Webhead 2011, better known as BaW11, was another very successful session for the 8th consecutive year. Daf and I (Teresa) coordinated a fabulous team of moderators, all of them former BaW participants, namely, Sharon (USA), Dennis (USA), Fernanda (Portugal), Jose Antonio/JA (Brazil), Mbarek (Morocco), Larissa (USA), Anisoara (Romania) and Helen (France). And we had a very welcome newcomer, Valentina Sitnik (Russia). A very heartfelt "Thank you!" all for a fantastic job, great enthusiasm and constant commitment to the last minute!  :-)


This team was backed up by an equally fantastic group of Guest Speakers, most of them longtime friends, Webheads and faithful collaborators: BJ Berquist, Graham Stanley, Michael Coghlan, Rubena St Louis and Rita Zeinstejer. Claudio Azevedo (week 4) was a newcomer. All the presentations were a huge success and extremely enlightening. Thank you to all our speakers!  :-)


Last but not least, a special word about our participants, a group of very active, enthusiastic, committed and adventurous colleagues, eager to explore and absorb as much as possible in the shortest possible time, without whom BaW11 wouldn't have happened. They're a wonderful group of people from all corners of the globe, who gave life to a very active, hardworking, non-stoppable and stressful 5 weeks. Kudos to you all!!!



A "mini UN"

Baw 2011, with its 287 members from 56 countries spanning the 5 continents, is truly a global community or, as I have always defined it, a mini UN.


This year we had participants from Albania, a first timer (1), Algeria (1), Argentina (13), Armenia, a first timer (2), Australia (4), Azerbaijan, a firt timer (1), Bolivia, a first timer (1), Brazil (16), Canada (8), Chile (1),  Colombia (2), Costa Rica (1), Croatia (3), Cyprus (1), Czech Republic (1), Dominican Republic, a first timer (1), Egypt (8), England/UK (9), France (4), Germany (3), Greece (5), India (3), Indonesia (2), Iran (2), Iraq, a first timer (4), Israel (1) , Italy (8), Japan (1), Lebanon, a first timer (1), Malaysia (2), Mexico (4), Morocco (15) - great PR job, Mbarek!! kudos to you!!!! -, New Zealand (2), Nigeria (3), Pakistan (1), Panama, a first timer (1), Paraguay, a first timer (1), Peru (1), Philippines (3), Portugal (1), Romania (3), Russia (7), Saudi Arabia (3), Serbia (2), Slovenia (2), South Korea (1), Spain (5), Sudan (1), Thailand (1), Togo (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1),  Tunisia (2), Turkey (3), UAE (4), Ukraine (5), Uruguay (2), USA (25), Uzbekistan (1), Venezuela (7), Vietnam (1) and Yemen, a first timer (1). After such a great performance during these 5 weeks, I can only say that I just wish the authentic UN worked as well and as collaboratively as we do!  :-)


After 8 rounds of BaW, we have reached close to 2,500 colleagues in 98 countries! This is something very special, above all when we know that BaW has changed some people's careers for the better. Not to mention the influence in all the students involved. How rewarding that is!  :-)


(Clickable map)



A very "special" announcement 

I (meaning Teresa) am very honored to tell you that two weeks ago I was invited by the Director of the Training Institute of the Far Northeastern University in Yakutsk, Siberia, to give a 7-day workshop to a group of English teachers from the university and schools in the Republic of Yakutia. This is my second visit to Yakutsk in less than a year and our own dear Larissa is responsible for all this. I leave on Feb. 21 and arrive back home on Mar. 5. I'm going to see a lot of very dear friends. Departure is only a week away! Wowwee!!!!!!


I'd like to add that I took lots of photos last year and only a couple hundred are online in my Flickr account. You can them by clicking here. Well, one of them caught the attention of a German Architecture magazine, published in paper, called Bauwelt. They asked my permission to publish it and here's the whole story.




Kudos is a word often used by veteran BaWers. What does "kudos" mean? What better explanation can I give you but a poem, written for us from the heart by a very dear BaW06 participant, Analía Dobboletta, from Argentina, who gives us a very sensitive and heartfelt poetic definition.


Kudos is one of those words

  that heightens the spirit.

  Kudos means "you've done it"

  It brings pleasure to the 'kuder'

  because they're with you.

  It's a compliment for the 'kuddee'

  because they've overcome the hurdle.

  Kudos brings joy to Bawers.

  It's the password for 'way to go'!

  It's the username for high achievers.

  It's the thread for admiration.

  It's the subscription to lol.

  Kudos is Bawers' jargon,

  a catchy jingle,

  a tribute paid for courage,

  and for perseverance,

  and for bravery!

  Kudos implies I'm so glad that you could,

  so  proud that you did,

  so sure that you will!

  Kudos to YOU!


Maria Teresa Ciaffaroni suggested that it be "used as BAW06 anthem" and Daf and I agreed.


Hope you like the Becoming a Webhead (BaW) anthem!  :-))



Time to party

A relevant part of our Graduation party is food, drinks and gifts that participants share with one another. Here's this year's Graduation Party page where you will find very nice messages and photos from all over the world as a token of BaW11ers' appreciation for these fabulous 5 weeks together, learning in a fun, F.U.N. (Frivolous Unanticipated Nonsense, an acronym coined by Vance Stevens, our Webheads in Action coordinator) and very collaborative way.


(Click the image to see the page)



BaW11 cake

There's no party without a cake and no virtual BaW Graduation party would be complete without a virtual cake to celebrate "not the end of a workshop, but the beginning of a new era... life after BaW 2011"! João, my husband, baked this BaW 2011 cake with eleven candles, each one with its own very special meaning! Have a slice!





Finally, no BaW workshop would be complete without a symbolic Certificate of Participation to all participants.



Families - neglected husbands, wives and children - weren't forgotten! Here's our token of appreciation for your patience and understanding! It was definitely worth it!  :-)






Time to join the Webheads in Action (WiA)

No, it's not over yet! There's still one final step for those of you who wish to do so.


Five weeks ago many of you probably didn't have a clue about what you were getting into. Five weeks later you have come of age and are "full-fledged Webheads", ready to join the Webheads in Action (WiA) community of practice. On behalf of Vance Stevens, our Webheads coordinator, hopefully attending our party today, Daf and I now invite you to join our "mother group", the Webheads in Action.


Welcome! We hope you feel part of a big cyberfamily and as fulfilled and challenged as Daf and I have been for 9 years!


As Webheads, you are now entitled to the "Proud to be a Webhead" badge that Ibrahim Rustamov, a participant-turned-friend from Tajikistan, created for us: his special gift to BaW08. It's very cute! You can embed it in your Web pages, blogs or wikis.




A BaW classic

Before we call it "a Graduation ceremony and party", maybe you'd like to reflect a little about the meaning of BaW through the lenses of this presentation-turned-BaW classic.


Geese is a presentation about togetherness, collaboration and community spirit - some of the basic ingredients that are a big part of any "Becoming a Webhead" workshop and family!

(Click the image below and enjoy!)




And BaW11 continues...

We all know that "Rome wasn't built in a day" and we know even better what a teacher's life is like. The BaW11 team doesn't strive for the impossible, but.... almost.  ;-)


Naturally, we know that it isn't possible to cover everything we have to offer in the 5 weeks, but it's all there because we like to give participants flexibility and freedom of choice each week. And because we know it's not humanly possible to explore and experiment with all the tools, all the materials remain online ad eternum (or as long as the platforms exist!). And the BaW11 team stays around for the rest of the year to help, collaborate and... continue learning with everyone else. After all, we are a group of lifelong learners.


By the time BaW12 comes along, I hope you'll all feel like Natasa Bozic:


"I'll probably keep returning to BaW to lurk. This place is home" (17Feb10).


Stay with us, return as lurkers, as active participants... whichever way you choose, but do return. It means that you enjoyed the ride as much as we did and that learning happened, and strong bonds and friendships were built.   :-)



Thank you!

Before we turn the BaW11 page today and face "the first day of life after BaW" tomorrow, Daf and I would like to heartily say a last "Thank you" to all our fabulous guest speakers, moderators, and participants for a fantastic job and perseverance to the last day, and for having made this 8th round of the Becoming a Webhead workshop the success and life-changing event it was for several of you, no doubt. Without you all, none of this would have happened.


Here's to you all!!


Daf and Teresa in the suburbs of Valencia, Spain (Mar 2005)


See you in life after BaW11!


Teresa and Daf on behalf of the BaW 2011 team!



Graduation Party

Coordinator: Teresa Almeida d'Eca (Portugal)

Moderators: Anisoara (Romania), Fernanda (Portugal), Helen (France), Larissa (USA), Mbrake (Morocco), Valentina (Russia)






Session recording




Joined on 13 de Fevereiro de 2011 at 15:00
Moderator (helend [helen]): Great to hear you Marijana
silipa [undisclosed]: ok
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): hi Helen
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Anisoara
Moderator (Session Leader 1): how fortunate that you found the link, marijana!
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Just in time from the hairdressers' aren't you, Helen?
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): Lots of hard work Teresa
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): I mean for the party
Moderator (helend [helen]):  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): My husband thinks BAW is forever when he opens my email LOL
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): to Larissa: you're so right
Moderator (helend [helen]): my husband just sighs !!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I don't want after BAW - let's say with BAW
silipa [undisclosed]:    mine too
sookjhee [undisclosed]: Hi
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Jasmine
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Hi all ,gladto join you from  cybercafe
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): No
silipa [undisclosed]: hi Mbarek
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I am sorry not Jasmine
Moderator (helend [helen]): Mbarek in a cyber café ?
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Hi Mbarek
Moderator (Session Leader 1): mic over to anyone who wnats it
Moderator (Session Leader 1): i thought so. it's yoon, isn't it?
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Waw Heike, welcome here
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you know so much, larissa! good for you   
sookjhee [undisclosed]: yup. Yoon is here
silipa [undisclosed]: hi yoon
sookjhee [undisclosed]: nope
sookjhee [undisclosed]: it's almost midnight here
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Teresa
silipa [undisclosed]: oh,you're seelpyyoon
sookjhee [undisclosed]: my room mate is sleeping
Moderator (Session Leader 1): LOL yoon. everybody asleep? speak softly, yoon
sookjhee [undisclosed]: Malaysia
Moderator (Session Leader 1): malaysia, i think
Moderator (helend [helen]): Type quietly yoon !
silipa [undisclosed]: here 4pm
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Hi Ayat
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes, larissa   
silipa [undisclosed]: in Croatia
Moderator (helend [helen]): here 4pm too in France
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Ayat
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Ayat
silipa [undisclosed]: Hi HelenD, we have same time zone
silipa [undisclosed]: hi Ayat
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Here it's 5 pm
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I can't believe it happened in Egypt - so much excitement these days
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Hi Alexandra, good you've made it
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Ayat
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Hello everyone  
silipa [undisclosed]: Hello Ayat, weonderful to hear you
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: hi Ayat
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Alexandra
Moderator (helend [helen]): Nice to hear you Ayat
Moderator (Session Leader 1): it doesn't ned to be the last session. we can arrange for others
Moderator (helend [helen]): It's not the last !
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Karolina
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: hello
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: hi
Moderator (helend [helen]): and Alexandra
silipa [undisclosed]: Hi Karolina
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: sorry for the delay
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Karolina it's fine
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Hi Larissa, hi anisoara  
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Hi everybody
Moderator (Session Leader 1): no problem
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
silipa [undisclosed]: thx for the recepie
Moderator (helend [helen]): I must try this recipe !
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: just  tasted the rice pudding -was delicious!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): yes
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Vance
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Vance
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: I thought we might add gifts here??? so I'll add my gifts after the session?? or I can do now??
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): hello, Vance, welcome to our party
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Valentina
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Vale - snowing still ?
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Valentina, great
silipa [undisclosed]: my sons are too loud
Moderator (Session Leader 1): welcome, derya
Moderator (helend [helen]): Marijana I know - my boys make such a noise!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Derya
silipa [undisclosed]:  
Moderator (Session Leader 1): sound not very clear, vance
silipa [undisclosed]: Hi Vance
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: Hello everybody!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): much better
Moderator (helend [helen]): yes!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): now it's ok
silipa [undisclosed]: Helloderya hear you Vance
Moderator (helend [helen]): multi tasking !
silipa [undisclosed]: Hi Fernanda
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Hi Fernanda
silipa [undisclosed]: always Helen
fernanda [Fernanda]: hello!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Fernanda
Moderator (Session Leader 1): vance, the cat herder   
fernanda [Fernanda]: Hi Vance!
Moderator (helend [helen]): cat herder lol  
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Hi Vance! Could you speak up a bit, please?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Vance it is fine here
Moderator (Session Leader 1): i hear you fine
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Alexandra could you check volume on your computer?
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: yes better there is no echo now
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: sure  
silipa [undisclosed]: loud and clear
silipa [undisclosed]: Good job teresa
Moderator (Session Leader 1): not mods, vance. they helped me soooo much
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): majoring in BAW - Teresa
Moderator (helend [helen]): We've got such active participants
Moderator (Session Leader 1): the problem was that daf wasn't around as of week 2
Moderator (Session Leader 1): van you all se the graduation page?
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Jean michel
Moderator (Session Leader 1): can...
Moderator (Session Leader 1): welcome jean michel
jchaupart [Jean Michel]: Hi everybody
silipa [undisclosed]: 1998 really, I was at faculty still
silipa [undisclosed]: yes Fabulous Baw2011 team
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): ty Teresa -
Moderator (helend [helen]): Teresa needs a good rest now !
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Teresa you are great
silipa [undisclosed]: she is going on vacationa
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): a holiday in YAkuts
Moderator (helend [helen]): To Siberia  
silipa [undisclosed]: no,no CRoatia!haha
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Anisoara - Teresa is leaving soon
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Holiday in a "warm" place   )
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
Moderator (Session Leader 1): LOL
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes
vances [undisclosed]: thanks for clarifying that  
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): yes
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: You try and get some rest, Teresa!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hello Rima
vances [undisclosed]: webheads are always helping one another, no surprise
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty for your concern, marijana
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: Hell dear moderator
Moderator (Session Leader 1): i'd love to go, marijana!
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: do that
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
silipa [undisclosed]: Karolina and I will welcome you
silipa [undisclosed]: good
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: sorry,  hello dear moderator
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: well work something out
silipa [undisclosed]: for sure hahaha
Moderator (Session Leader 1): no doubt, marijana and karolina
silipa [undisclosed]:  
Moderator (Session Leader 1): wow! traveling so much!!!
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): frequent traveller
Moderator (Session Leader 1): http://baw2011.pbworks.com/w/page/36021103/Graduation
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: 'Connecting people', much better than anything or anybody else: TERESA!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): do you have the link, larissa?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I am watching your Flickr
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): http://yakutskmar10.pbworks.com/w/page/35883837/Bauwelt
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): This is the link
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): This is a great BAW spirit
Moderator (helend [helen]): You have reason to be proud
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty helen
silipa [undisclosed]: checking the page
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Tere
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I don't see it
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): could you say it again?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): Globe 3rd on right
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I see
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY
Moderator (helend [helen]): Always learning !
silipa [undisclosed]: in German
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: is web tour icon visible to moderators?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Teresa translated
silipa [undisclosed]: No problem have learned German,yes I noticed English translation
Moderator (helend [helen]): That place looks amazing !
vances [undisclosed]: if you want to share scrolling you'll need to screen share
silipa [undisclosed]: brrrr
Moderator (helend [helen]): -50 ° you'll need some thermal underwear Teresa
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): good
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Marijana LOL
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: it's really an interesting place
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Teresa was in March not she will be in February
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): more brrrr
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): where is it?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): on our own?
silipa [undisclosed]: when it isn't brrr
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: I can scroll down
silipa [undisclosed]: I can scroll
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ok derya
Moderator (Session Leader 1): great
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Marijana - LOL - I don't know but it is not brr for me is only July   ))
Moderator (Session Leader 1): i see. preferable this way, right?
vances [undisclosed]: http://yakutskmar10.pbworks.com/w/page/35883837/Bauwelt
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty
silipa [undisclosed]: I find it amazing
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
silipa [undisclosed]: frozen
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: how long does the winter last there?
silipa [undisclosed]: good for skating!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Is that a river ? !!!
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Derya you will not believe it is almost 9 months
silipa [undisclosed]: of the photo
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: oh my god!  
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: it's the other way round here in Florida!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): September until May
silipa [undisclosed]: But I think people are warm and kind
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: we have 9-11 months of summer here  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): it is brrr as Marijana says   )
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Derya - how nice I love warm places
silipa [undisclosed]: but warm people right LArisa
silipa [undisclosed]: Derya where exxactly you arefrom
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Yes Marijana - TY
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: how about the greenery? I mean do trees grow there?
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hello "teacheravy" sorry what's your name ? !!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Trees do Derya but much as in other places - they are somewhat short
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: that's the first time that I've heard about this place! I learned another new thing with Webheads!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): absolutely, marijana. very warm
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): While my feet ... me? is it?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): the movie?
Moderator (Session Leader 1): great, derya!
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: Hi, Avis
Moderator (Session Leader 1): very friendly too, marijana
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
silipa [undisclosed]: That's the film
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hello Avis !
Moderator (Session Leader 1): and they love having foreign guests
silipa [undisclosed]: Yes
silipa [undisclosed]: Beautiful film
Moderator (Session Leader 1): must watch it
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: IS their language Tussian? Or do they have a local language spoken?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Something
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: Russian I menat
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: I meant
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yakutian and also russian
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: Hi, what film
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): about a German soldier
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes Marijana
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): LOL Marijana
silipa [undisclosed]: will find the link of the film and post ok
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Mbarek
silipa [undisclosed]: hi
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hi Mbarek
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): yes
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: yes
Moderator (Session Leader 1): just to wrap-up siberia, i'm actually listening to an audiobook titled "travels in siberia"
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: yes
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: yes
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: yeah
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): How is it in Morocco Mbarek? Sunny?
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: YES
Moderator (helend [helen]): Survived  
silipa [undisclosed]: Thx Mbarek yeeeah
Moderator (Session Leader 1): dear mbarek, how true! survive!!!
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Survived, indeed!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty blushing    )
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes exactly
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Tweetdeck Mbarek
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): it is great
Moderator (Session Leader 1): tweetdeck is fabulous, mbarek
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): wow
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): how long are you staying Mbarek?
Moderator (helend [helen]): Good news !!
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: congratulations!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you are?! how fantastic!   
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Congratulations!!!!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you'll love it, mbarek
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I am going to Washington, DC in two weeks -
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): other piece of fabulous news
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: congratulations
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Congrats, Mbarek  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Let's see each other Mbarek in LO
Moderator (Session Leader 1): kudos to you, mbarek! how long?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): NO
silipa [undisclosed]: On film we discussed called As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me orin German So weit die fusse tragen
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Yes Marijana
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: thank YOU!
silipa [undisclosed]: Take care Mbarek, great
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: Have a nice trip
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): the mic
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: tHANK U
Moderator (helend [helen]): great news
Moderator (Session Leader 1): definitely, mbarek! baw12 is already in our thoughts
sookjhee [undisclosed]: yes! the spirit of webhead!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): very beautifully said, mbarek
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: thank you all
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Mbarek mic?
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: ok
silipa [undisclosed]: I think Iwas talking too muchalready hahaha
vances [undisclosed]: Dinner time at my house
Moderator (Session Leader 1): rima, you want the mic, right?
vances [undisclosed]: nice to stop in  
Moderator (helend [helen]): Bon appétit!
silipa [undisclosed]: bon apetite
vances [undisclosed]: byeee
Moderator (Session Leader 1): thanks for coming, vance   
Moderator (Session Leader 1): bye
fernanda [Fernanda]: thanks for coming, Vance
vances [undisclosed]: my pleasure
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: i want to share my experience if possible
vances [undisclosed]: thanks for everything Teresa and Fernanda
Moderator (Session Leader 1):    vance
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): bye Vance
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: bye vance
silipa [undisclosed]: wow, great Ayat
vances [undisclosed]: cya online
Moderator (Session Leader 1): great, ayat!
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: wow, that is great Ayat!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Wonderfully said Ayat
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Brilliant, Ayat!
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Thank you Ayat,Alexandra ,hopeto see you Larissa there, i ll be at doubletree hotel in wahington
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: hear hear!
silipa [undisclosed]: exploring, learning and sharing my new moto
sookjhee [undisclosed]: nice comment!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): let's have that in writing so i can add it to the grad page, pls
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: ok
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: Well said
silipa [undisclosed]: yes Ayat this has to be seen in writing
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Rima
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty rima!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): remember that we'll stay around
silipa [undisclosed]: I feel  like am at homewith this wonderful group
Moderator (helend [helen]): It can become addictive - BAW !
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: I'll add it to the graduation page with other quotes for my dear friends
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): BAW2012   )
silipa [undisclosed]: on Tapped in
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: how can we join the webhead in action?
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: more details?
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: thanks
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I was going to  
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Lana can you tell me the country you come from - need to fill in Rita's session pg
silipa [undisclosed]: Anisoara I am fromCroatia not  Slovenia,Marijana
kulavuzd [Derya] 3:  
silipa [undisclosed]: can you change that please
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I don't see graduation
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Yes I did
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I can't find
silipa [undisclosed]: i see
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): it was before but I changed IE and it is so complicated
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): I will change
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: ok
silipa [undisclosed]: ok, thx,
silipa [undisclosed]: lol, you're idea teresa
silipa [undisclosed]: wow
silipa [undisclosed]: GReat
silipa [undisclosed]: enough for me at leats
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Mbarek congrats for 15 from Morocco
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: I think the way BaW is held is very ideal!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): with me too, Teresa
silipa [undisclosed]: Thank you Teresa
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: that's great !!
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: thanks
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: that it is volunteer-based, informal, non-credited, etc. that makes it more sincere, and more collaborative, I feel
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: thank u Larissa , hope to meet u in DC
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Indeed Derya
Moderator (helend [helen]): and cats too
silipa [undisclosed]: good Derya,
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): and at TESOL Mbarek we should celebrate f2f BAW
silipa [undisclosed]: cats too helen
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): and of absent friends,
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: i hope so Laeissa
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): vere nice photo
silipa [undisclosed]: cheers
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty. i love this photo   
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes. vale did a great job as a newcomer to moderation. kudos to you, vale!   
Moderator (helend [helen]): Valentina is digging the snow !
Moderator (Session Leader 1): LOL
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: lol
silipa [undisclosed]: Eveything looks yummie
fernanda [Fernanda]:  
silipa [undisclosed]: Sorry forcleaning thesnow Valentina it will come to Croatia soon
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: Sorry i am trying but my sister laptop mic is no working
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: I'm trying to speak
Moderator (Session Leader 1): what a pity
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Good Valentina
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Yes
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes
silipa [undisclosed]: yes
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: yes
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: yes
fernanda [Fernanda]: yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): we missed you already Valentina
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): you did a good job
Moderator (Session Leader 1): there's always a first time, vale   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): you are right Valentina
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: i agree
silipa [undisclosed]: like-minded people , good word
Moderator (Session Leader 1): blushing, vale
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): we are Marijana -
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Thanks a lotValentina    Teresa andLarissa are really  amazing
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Mbarek for your help with WiZiQ  
Moderator (Session Leader 1): the baw team is amazing, mbarek   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I never forget it Mbarek  
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: glad to learn and sjha
silipa [undisclosed]: Marek left you a comment on theblog today,please check
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: share with you
silipa [undisclosed]: ok
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Ok Silipa, thanks, I ll check
Moderator (Session Leader 1): we always do practice sessions before any event
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): You did Valentina
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you did great, vale!
silipa [undisclosed]: Marijana is silipa
silipa [undisclosed]: ok Mbarek?
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Thank you, Valentina!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes Tere
Moderator (helend [helen]): Yes in spirit !
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: I got a notification from " mywebskills " blog , TU
silipa [undisclosed]: ok
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Hello to Daf
silipa [undisclosed]: Hello Daf
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Fernanda, ty so much for constant monitoring of messages and help - you were always ahead with advice and recommendation, thank you a lot!
fernanda [Fernanda]: we hope you get better soon, Daf!
fernanda [Fernanda]: my pleasure, Larissa
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Get well soon, Daf!
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Incredible!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Anisoara I love your photo on our graduation party page - mmmmm
kulavuzd [Derya] 3:  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): is it your house Anisoara?
silipa [undisclosed]: great vokiValentina
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: wow !!!!
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Unbelievable!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): Where Larissa?
silipa [undisclosed]: Svetlana sorry, haven't read carefully
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Graduation party page with beer and sausage and potatoe
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: congrats
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): yes
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: thanks
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: vokis
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): we will have more soon - during summer?
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: I just wanted to say this is my first online course. All I have learnt alot . I am glad to hear that I can get continous support after. I did not realised that tools like blog twitter can be used for teaching.I am excited to integrated in my teaching.Hearty Thank you to all Our Moderators. Thank you
silipa [undisclosed]: Karolina, bajaderes are great
Moderator (helend [helen]): enjoy your pancakes !
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): bye, Marijana, thanks for joining
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yummy!send some over   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Pancakes???   )) Good luck Marijana stay in touch
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: bon appettite!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Thank you, Marijana! Enjoy yourself!
Moderator (helend [helen]): mine with lemon and sugar !
Moderator (Session Leader 1): bye marijana. loved your enthusiasm and good spirit always   
Moderator (Session Leader 1): sure will. everywhere
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Good bye, Marijana
sookjhee [undisclosed]: thank you and goodbye
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: bye
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: bye
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: bye marijana!
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: byebye
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Go ahead Karolina
silipa [undisclosed]: thx all, bye,be
Moderator (Session Leader 1): bye marijana!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): bye Marijana
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Karolina
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: bye Marijana
Moderator (Session Leader 1): hi karolina! so nice to hear your voice   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Benjamin (correct spelling?)
jchaupart [Jean Michel]: Teresa, un fuerte abrazo desde Colombia, felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias para tí, Dafne y demás moderadores. Una vez más un gran éxoti. Un abrazo
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): TY Karolina
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty karolina. lovely wrods
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Thank you  
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: u are lovely
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: will 4 sure
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: I'm not sure if my sound will be good, but may I try?
Moderator (Session Leader 1): sure. try alexandra
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Go ahead Alexandra
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: CAn you hear me?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): we will let you know how your sound is
Moderator (helend [helen]): Click on mic button bottom left
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): grab the mike Alexandra
Moderator (Session Leader 1): no
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): click on mic
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: No
baw2010Lana [undisclosed] 1: I have some prroblem with connection. iam from Ukraine.
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Lana - do you want to say a few words?
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: I clicked and it says it cannot connect to microphone
Moderator (Session Leader 1): so sorry to hear that, lana
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Alexandra - click on the mic
Moderator (Session Leader 1): hmmm...
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Lana I love your flowers
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: yes
rimamalek [Rima ] 1: yes
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Yes Anisoara
Moderator (helend [helen]): yes
Moderator (helend [helen]): Hello Phil
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: I think BaW especially shows us how mcuh we can do with free tools! An online course like this can be created by simply integrating free wikis, free forums, blogs, and free syncronous session providers! we really don't need that expensive course management systems, like Blackboard. But as teachers, it is important that we see examples before we come up with ideas. That's what we get with the webheads and BaW workshops!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): welcome, phil!   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Nice words Anisoara
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Good example
philfrance [undisclosed]: hi
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty, derya!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: that's really moving!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Hi Phil
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Yes, great words, Anisoara!!!
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you're very welcome, anisoara
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Anisoara and I started together right
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): no Anisoara
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): we are together!
Moderator (helend [helen]): My pleasure !!
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Ayat , u owe us  a celabration  
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): I love your photo album Anisoara
teacheravy [undisclosed] 1: Bye for now and much thanks
Moderator (helend [helen]):   )
Moderator (Session Leader 1): you made it very well, helen and anisoara!!!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]):  
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: You r right, Anisora. Despite everything, I couldn't help being in ur company
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Anisoara mic?
Moderator (Session Leader 1): who's next? alexandra?
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Thanks alot Mbarek . I really appreciate it !!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Alexandra?
Moderator (helend [helen]): Alexandra
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Shall I give it a lasttry?
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: yes
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: many morecongratulations , we areproud of you !
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Alexandra just click on the mic
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: done the wizard - no m8ic
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): you can't talk Alexandra?
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): sorry
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: This makes me much prouder and happier, THanks Mbarek
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: the celebration is being with u
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): yes
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Yes
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: yes
Moderator (Session Leader 1): yes!!!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): yes
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): YES!!!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Yay
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: yes
philfrance [undisclosed]: Yes. It was great and I learned so very much
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Good sound
Moderator (Session Leader 1): finally! it's great to persevere, alexandra!!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Nice to hear your voice!
fernanda [Fernanda]: sorry, my internet connection is unstable
Moderator (Session Leader 1): tomorrow is the first day of "life after baw11"!!!   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Fernanda do you use wireless?
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Ayat , I hope u'd keep  in touch on webheadsyahoogroup
fernanda [Fernanda]: no, it's not wireless
Moderator (helend [helen]): Fernanda don't get dizzy coming in and out like that !
Moderator (Session Leader 1): small steps, alexandra
fernanda [Fernanda]: helen, you always make me laugh!  
Moderator (helend [helen]):  
Moderator (Session Leader 1): LOL helen about fernanda
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ty alexandra. very sweet   
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: It's a great pleasure to keep in touch, Mbarek. u know i feel this group will always be linked to the great happy moments we live these days !!!
Moderator (helend [helen]): Proud to be a webhead - yes !!
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: that's true Ayat!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: true!
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: same here Ayat  :_)
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: yeah  
philfrance [undisclosed]: Thank you thank you thank you all
Moderator (Session Leader 1): no volunteers?
fernanda [Fernanda]: hope to see you next year again!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): anyone?????
baw2010Lana [undisclosed] 1: Thank you all
Moderator (Session Leader 1): ayat, i will always associate you to a very great moment in your country   
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Lana no mic?
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: Ok Thank you all ; glad i  didn't miss this great party ! bye bye everyone
kulavuzd [Derya] 3: bye Mbarek, thank you for everything!
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Bye Mbarek
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Thank u teresa. you all will be unforgettable for me !!!!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Bye Mbarek!
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Bye, Mbarek
Akaddar [Mbarek] 1: love you nd proudto be one of YOU  
Moderator (helend [helen]): A round of applause to all !!
sookjhee [undisclosed]: thank you to all. bye
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Bye Bye
ValentinaSi [Valentina]: Thank you, friends! bye!
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]: thank you
fernanda [Fernanda]: clap, clap
karolina.devrgna [undisclosed]:  
Ayat [undisclosed] 1: Thank u all !!!
Moderator (anisoara [anisoara] 1): thank you all, don't say good bye
Moderator (lolesova [Larissa]): Thank you!!!! Clap Clap Clap!!!!
alexandrakouk [Alexandra]: Thank you all! Bye for now!

Ayat [undisclosed] 1: LOve u sooo much

Left on 13 de Fevereiro de 2011 at 16:10









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