Week 1: Getting acquainted with Yahoo Groups. Introductions
Moderators: Sharon Betts and Dennis Oliver 
Guest Speaker: BJ Berquist
By the end of this week you will have:
- completed the diagnostic survey
- introduced yourself to the group
- added your profile to the participant wiki
- gotten familiar with the features of our Yahoo Group and wiki
- attended the first live session at Tapped In
- commented on the presentation of the week
- answered the questions of the week
- read and commented on the Week 1 readings
1. Complete the Diagnostic Survey
2. Introduce yourself to the group in no more than 100 words. Send your message to: baw11@yahoogroups.com .
Information to be included:
a. Your first and last name. You can include the name you would like to be known by.
b. Yahoo ID.
c. Institution where you work or study.
d. What you do.
e. Why you joined this group and the expectations you have.
f. Any additional info you would like to share with the group.
3. Also copy your introduction into the Participants Page, please. Directions are found on the top of the page.
4. Get ready for the first live session at Tapped In. Watch the tutorial below
5. Post your comments about the session to our blog
6. Select one of the readings below for week 1, and post your comments to our forum
7. Answer week 1 questions in the YG list:
- How do you change your mail distribution preferences at our Yahoo Group?
- How do you post a photo to the wiki?
- How do you join an office in Tapped In if you are at the reception?
Comments (5)
Abdelali ELFAKIR said
at 3:37 pm on Jan 10, 2011
Where do i post my answers in the yahoo group ??????
Teresa Almeida d'Eca said
at 6:15 pm on Jan 10, 2011
Hi, Abdelali!
Post them in a YG message and in the subject say sth about "answers".
Best, Teresa
Abdelali ELFAKIR said
at 6:20 pm on Jan 10, 2011
Thank you so much Mrs.Teresa.
Be certain your efforts are highly appreciated
Best Regards;
Khaleel said
at 12:51 am on Jan 13, 2011
Hello everybody
I faced some problems joining the session today. I really don't understand the nature of tappedin. What is it exactly? Can anybody help? what should I do step by step to joining the chat room there and attend the sessions. Can I catch up?
Abdelali ELFAKIR said
at 1:23 am on Jan 13, 2011
skype account = abdelalielfakir
Moroccan High-school Teacher
Best Regards;
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