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Page history
last edited
by helendavies06@gmail.com 13 years, 7 months ago
Live Sessions
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Sessions Timetable
We will meet at Tapped In every Sunday at noon GMT. You are all welcome to these meetings.
Let's meet our panel of guest speakers!
Week 1
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Speaker's Bio |
Venue and Time in GMT |
BJ Berquist
BJ Berquist is an art teacher at the Loysville Youth Development Center, a residential male juvenile correctional facility in central Pennsylvania, USA. She was involved in the planning of the Civil Rights Forum held in TAPPED IN in May, 1998, leads several discussions at TAPPED IN, and is a Help Desk volunteer.
BJ is an Associate Educator at TAPPED IN and edits the Tapis Newsletter and the Events Calendar.
Look at http://www.tappedin.org/info/members/bj.html to learn more about what she does at TAPPED IN and to see her smiling face!
Tapped In
Wednesday, Jan. 12
16:00 - 17:00 pm GMT
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Week 2
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Venue and Time in GMT |
Graham Stanley
Graham Stanley works for the British Council, as social media consultant for English Language Innovation, UK and as a teacher at the Young Learner Centre in Barcelona, Spain, He also teaches at the school of Tourism of the University of Ramon Llull in Barcelona. He has a M. Ed. in ELT & Educational Technology and is particularly interested in the application of emerging technologies to language learning and teaching.
Tuesday, Jan. 18
20:00 GMT
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Week 3
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Venue and Time in GMT |
Michael Coghlan has designed and delivered online courses in ESL, eModeration, and Using Online Technologies, and is an online instructor for the Graduate Certificate in eLearning delivered by Adelaide Institute of TAFE. He has written widely on issues to do with elearning, and presented at several international conferences, both physically and as a remote presenter. As a Flexible Learning Leader for the Australian Flexible Learning Framework in 2003 Michael researched the use of online voice technologies. Not surprisingly, he is a passionate believer in the power of online voice communications to inspire and motivate students. |
Yahoo Messenger
Sunday, Jan 23rd
noon GMT
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Week 4
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Rubena St. Louis
Rubena St. Louis has a MSc in Applied Linguistics from Simón Bolívar University, in Venezuela where she teaches in their graduate programme and ESP at undergraduate level. Her interests include cognition and learning, Materials development and Evaluation, Language Teaching Methodologies and ICT and Autonomous Learning. Rubena is a member of the EVO coordination team.
Webheads Elluminate Vroom
Friday, Feb 4,
at 15:00 GMT
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- Claudio Azevedo is a teacher at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil. He is a Branch Coordinator and Teacher Trainer as well. He really likes movies and seeing them with "different" eyes, trying to see how he can use them in his classroom. Recently, he has dedicated his ideas to grammar activities with movie segments because, apparently, teachers use movies for many purposes, but grammar. Working with movie segments fosters students' production and interest. He truly believes that grammar exercises should be attractive. This passion for movies gave him the idea of creating the very successful Blog Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals.
Monday, Jan. 31,
at 20:00 GMT
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Completing Claudio Azevedo's Presentation
Wednesday, Feb. 2,
at 20:30GMT
Week 5
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Speaker's Bio |
Venue and Time in GMT |
Rita Zeinstejer
Rita is an EFL teacher with +30 years' experience teaching English at all levels, mainly preparing students to sit for Cambridge FCE and CAE at the Association Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa in Argentina, only center for Cambridge exams in the area, with 2,500 students of English as a foreign language. She is also a Cambridge Oral Examiner, Area Manager for Advanced Courses, and Self Access, Laboratory and Multimedia Coordinator. Rita has given several PPT Presentations on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) for Language Learning in my place, and in Brazil, after having travelled to Cambridge in August, 1999, for a course on the use of computers for Language Learning. She has been the CALL SIG Coordinator in her area for 7 years now. |
Friday, February 11, 12:00 GMT
at Webheads Elluminate Vroom
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Comments (1)
Halima Ozimova said
at 2:43 pm on Jan 12, 2011
the time is here in Uzbekistan as 17.43,I wonder in what time from NOW the session begins,if I see the Time in GMT
as 12.43
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