

Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 14 years, 1 month ago


Getting Started








Dear participants,

Welcome to our TESOL EVOnline session "Becoming a Webhead (BaW) 2011: A hands-on workshop on how to use Web communication tools for language teaching and learning".



Joining the session 

In order to enroll in our session, you first need to join our Yahoo Group where all the interaction through e-mail and file sharing will take place. If you don't have a Yahoo ID (an account), you will be prompted to do so. Follow the instructions given (it is free).


Once you are registered in the group, you will receive a ''Welcome message'' with the instructions for the tasks to be completed for week 1, which are mainly devoted to getting to know all the participants. These instructions can also be accessed from our session wiki (see ''SideBar" : Week1)



Communication modes

There are two main communication modes throughout this workshop: asynchronous and synchronous.

The asynchronous mode (not live or in real time)

  • Yahoo Group (YG): This will be our communication center to be in permanent contact with all members through its email feature(distribution list).
  • Forum: We will be using a forum to discuss and reflect on the weekly suggested readings.
  • Blog: to comment on the live presentations given by our weekly guests speakers.


The synchronous mode (live, in-real-time sessions)

We will have weekly live sessions, with guest speakers, which will take place at a fixed date, time and place. They will be announced well in advance and the information will be available in the Live Sessions page.


VIP: The time for the sessions will be given in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which is the standard time we have adopted, so please refer to The World Clock site to situate yourself in your time zone and in your correct time for each synchronous event. Also, check the clock with the GMT time in the navigation bar of this wiki.


As we are an international group with very different and distant time zones, the time may not always be the most suitable for everyone. We know from experience that consensus is difficult to achieve. However, if you are unable to join our chat events, a transcript/log and/or recording of each session will always be uploaded to our wiki for you to read!




There are Weekly Activities (links in the "Navigation Bar") or weekly tasks to be completed and shared with the other participants. If you have questions about the tasks, you are encouraged to post your queries to the YG  either from your own e-mail or through the Post section of the YG. If you fall behind during the session, don't worry. You can always post your completed tasks at any time.



Diagnostic survey

Now that you are in, please complete our diagnostic survey. It will allow us to know about your expertise in the use of Web tools. Thanks!




For timely tips on some of these first steps, please refer to our Hints and Glossary pages



VIP: Make sure to have these URLs handy for our communication during the session.


Yahoo Group 





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