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Becoming a Webhead Team 2011
Dafne Gonzalez has been an EFL/ESP teacher for more than 30 years. She graduated in Language Teaching, has a Masters degree in Applied Linguistics, and a Ph.D in Education. She is currently a Full professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela where she coordinated the Graduate Studies in Education Programs and was the Head of the Specialization in Informatics and Education. Besides teaching technology-related courses at the graduate level, she also designed and teaches the English for Architecture and Urban Planning blended courses. A webhead since 2002, she was the lead coordinator of the TESOL Electronic Village Online for 3 years, and has co-moderated, with Teresa Almeida d'Eça the Becoming a Webhead (BaW) online Workshop since 2004. She teaches the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course: "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". Currently, she is the head of the Spanish Program for Languagelab.com in Second Life. My e-portfolio.
Teresa Almeida d’Eça is a recently retired EFL teacher. She taught English for 33 years at most levels. She lives and works from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, she joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop, and since then she has been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! She has published two books, one on the use of the Internet in education and the other on the use of email in the classroom. She presents regularly at conferences at home and abroad. She's been coordinator and co-moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. She also co-moderates with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit her website and to get in touch with her at tmvaz-at-mail.telepac.pt .
YahooMessenger: teca2002pt
Skype: teresadeca
Twitter: teresadeca
Week 1
Hi, everyone.
I'm Dennis Oliver. I'm a former ESL and Developmental English teacher living in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. I have over 35 years' experience in ELT and have worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, materials developer, editor/writer, and administrator. I'm especially interested in CALL, grammar, pronunciation, and writing. I've participated in several other BaW seminars and thoroughly enjoyed all of them. This year, I'll be helping out as a Co-Mod in Weeks 1 and 3 with my friends and colleagues Sharon Betts and Mbarek Akaddar.
This is Sharon Betts and I will be assisting Dennis in helping you get started in BAW2011. I have been part of Webheads for many years and am again looking forward to great collaboration. I am an Educational Technologist presently working in Maine, USA. I am devoted to learning through technology with emphasis on open source and web-based tools.
Week 2
Hello Everyone,
My name is Jose Antonio. I am an EFL teacher living in Brasilia, Brazil. I have been a co-moderator in BaW for some time and it is always a pleasure to join Dafne, Teresa, and this enthusiastic group of educators once more.
I have been teaching English for almost 20 years and I love what I do. In the school where I teach, I am proud to say that we now have a large group of teachers engaged with technology in one way or another. We have been using IWBs for around three years and now. This year of 2010 the school has installed a data show in every class and all of them are connected to the web. This decision coupled with the use of an institutional wiki to share resources, has increased the involvement of teachers with technology and and has created an amazing culture of sharing between teachers.
I am part of the Edtech team in the school and little by little we are seeing the results of our job as our department on distance learning seems to be expanding and our teachers start integrating technology into their classes. I see this process as a slow, step by step one. I see myself as part of big online community of educators who keep me inspired and help me "contaminate" my fellow teachers and spread the enthusiasm I have in relation to integrating technology into teaching and learning.
Warm hugs from Brazil
Skype ID: joseantoniook
Yahoo ID: Joseaokc
Hi everybody! My name is Fernanda, and I live in Setúbal, a city about 50 kms south of Lisbon, Portugal.
I have just retired after a career of 38 years as an EFL teacher at secondary schools. I was responsible for several ICT projects at my school like the school webpage, Moodle platform and projects with educational resources. I have also been a teacher trainer, f2f and online. I have been a Webhead since 2002 and a co-moderator in BaW workshops for some years.
I am happy to be co-moderating week 2 with Jose Antonio, and learning and sharing with everybody. Looking forward to another BaW experience.
Yahoo ID = mfr2000pt
Skype ID = miraventos
Week 3
I'm Mbarek Akaddar from Beni Mellal, Morocco .I have been a high school EFL teacher in Morocco for 23 years .
I first participated in EVO sessions in 2007 with the Tips & Tricks group, where I discovered the wonders of ICT. In 2008 and 2009, I joined the most wonderful community I have ever known: the Webheads.
I 'm glad to join the EVO moderators team for the second year and I will enjoy co-moderating week 3 with a Webhead veteran , my dear friend Dennis Oliver . I look forward to learning and sharing with you all .
Yahoo : mbarekakaddar
Skype: mbarek.akaddar
Twitter : mbarek
I greatly look forward to assisting my friend and colleague Mbarek during Week 3. I'm sure it will be an engaging and learning-filled experience for all of us!
Week 4
I am Larisa Olesova from Yakutsk (Russia), but currently I am doing my Ph.D. in Educational Technology at Purdue University in the United States. I have been teaching EFL and ESP at North-Eastern University in Yakutsk since 1989. I still have an opportunity to teach my students in Yakutsk. How? Of course - by using all available technologies today! I am teaching online a lot. I am still excited to see how the world is getting smaller and closer through technologies. Today, I widely use online collaboration between classes in Yakutsk and in the United States. I am in EVO almost since 2003 and I always try to attend all EVO sessions at TESOL. I have been involved into Becoming a Webhead since 2009. Last year I had an opportunity to moderate one of the BAW sessions devoted to online chat and conferences with my colleague from Brazil Jose Antonio. Thanks to invitation of my best friend Teresa from Lisbon, Portugal I was able to open EVO world online! I am looking forward to another round of exciting events and discussions!
Skype: larissa.olesova
YM: lolesova
Blogs: http://larissa-olesova.blogspot.com/
I'm Valentina Sitnik from Elista (Kalmykia, Russia). I've been teaching English for many years. I've been fond of taking part in various on-line courses, but when I became a participant of BaW 2010, I realized the power of the huge teaching community! This is my first-time moderation.
Blogs and wikis: vsmart09; engworld70hours for university students
Elista Access School for Access schoolchildren
Week 5
Hello everyone
I'm Helen Davies , living in Grenoble in France, where I work in a state school for 15-18 year olds. This year I'm dipping my toes into teacher training for primary school teachers, which is fascinating.
My first BAW session was a real eye-opener for me and set me off on a great journey with a wonderful bunch of people. I am fascinated to see how creative pupils can be using technology in the classroom and how it can bring classrooms together over the globe.
I was thrilled last year to be invited by Dafne and Teresa to join the moderators team last year and am doubly thrilled to be participating again this year !!
Looking forward to meeting many interesting people and sharing new discoveries online !
You can find me here :
Skype: hdavies06
Twitter: helen100463
I am Anisoara Pop from Dimitrie Cantemir University of Targu Mures, Romania. I have been teaching English for more than two decades and Business English/ESP since 1999. Ever since 2009 when I first joined EVO-BAW09 and started employing technology in EFL teaching, my students' learning experiences have considerably enriched and they have become more motivated learners and rich content creators.
I would much appreciate to connect my adult students in Tourism/BE with students of the world.
The quotation that I have adopted is Mahatma Ghandi's motto: Be the change you want to see in the world.
YM: anisoara_pp
Skype: anisoara.pop09
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Comments (2)
Abdelali ELFAKIR said
at 1:53 am on Jan 12, 2011
Dear BaWTeam mates;
First and foremost, i hope that you are all doing great. Then, i am writing to express my profoundest upmost thanks towards these highly appreciated eforts. You are certainly proving how it s so interesting the work you have been carrying on shoulders. Thanks to you, i have know what does online teaching/learning mean. I know what Wikis, Tapped Ins,....etc are. I am a 2years experiece teacher, and i m so crazy about using Net Stuff in my classroom. I even created a Wiki/Tapped In..etc pages. Wishing you the best of luck in your "job", I am looking patienly to start the course with your group.
Best Regards;
Abdelali ELFAKIR
A Moroccan High-School Teacher
+212 6 66 37 74 03
Abdelali ELFAKIR said
at 1:59 am on Jan 12, 2011
I have known / Wiki and Tapped in pages / I not i........
(Slips of Keyboard :) )
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